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XIC Finance - Services
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Bitcoin Escrow Service

A Bitcoin escrow service is one of the most secure ways of dealing with Bitcoin-based transactions where trust is an issue, as the escrow system is set up in such a way that the party that errs forfeits the money in the escrow account to the other party.

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Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining refers to the process of digitally adding transaction records to the blockchain. ... To securely add to the blockchain ledger, Bitcoin mining computers solve complex mathematical problems. When a solution is found, the latest block of confirmed transactions is added as the next link in the blockchain.

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Software Development

Bitcoin Software Development. Cryptocurrency Development lets you create secure and decentralized applications for cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin.

strong security

Bitcoin Transaction

Bitcoin is a digital currency, a decentralized system which records transactions in a distributed ledger called a blockchain.

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Bitcoin Exchange

A bitcoin exchange is a digital marketplace where traders can buy and sell bitcoins using different fiat currencies or altcoins. A bitcoin currency exchange is an online platform that acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers of the cryptocurrency.

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Bitcoin Investment

The first way you can invest in Bitcoin is by purchasing a coin or a fraction of a coin via trading apps such as Coinbase. In most cases, you'll need to provide personal information to set up an account, then deposit money you'll use to purchase bitcoins.


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